Hock 2015

Hock, Hans Henrich. 2015. The Northwest of South Asia and beyond: The issue of Indo-Aryan retroflexion yet again. Journal of South Asian Languages and Linguistics 2. 111–135.


  author  = {Hock, Hans Henrich},
  journal = {Journal of South Asian Languages and Linguistics},
  number  = {1},
  pages   = {111–135},
  title   = {The Northwest of South Asia and beyond: The issue of Indo-Aryan retroflexion yet again},
  url     = {http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/jsall.2015.2.issue-1/jsall-2015-0005/jsall-2015-0005.xml},
  volume  = {2},
  year    = {2015}